Our Impact
Our Impact
“The Garden to Shower Experience.”
Our Mission is Skincare that Detergent Free, Organic, Biodegradable, and Sustainable by Sourcing or Growing Ingredients Locally.
“Glowing Skin with a Purpose.”
Yerba Soap & Co. handcrafts high-end body and hair care using natural ingredients at an affordable price. We change the way high end products function by making it last longer, affordable, and made with nutrient rich ingredients. We deliver zero waste products with a focus on ergonomics and sustainability and support our social impact purpose to give back to our community and reduce carbon footprint.
Responsible Production & Consumption.
We are aware of the life cycle of production, packaging, use, disposal and recycling. Yerba Soap & Co. uses Plastic Free and Minimalistic Packaging that is biodegradable and compostable which will not negatively impact our environment. Our Body Soap and Shampoo Bars on a rope are our lowest waste product. Help us complete our zero waste vision by recycling and composting!
Learn More & Grow Together.
We are always learning and growing! Make sure to leave us a review on our product pages. We are always seeking ways to learn more and improve your experience by continuing our education.
Representation Matters to Us.
“Yerba is a small business founded to unite people through the appreciation of natural skin care and represent our Latino culture in the skin care industry.”